Tooth-Colored Fillings
Untreated cavities or caries can lead to pain, tooth infection, and other oral health problems. At Progressive Dental we clean this decay utilizing a painless laser. We then restore the tooth with custom matched composite fillings which are bonded in the tooth to replace previously diseased areas.
Dr. Patel uses resin-based composite restorations due to the very low allergenicity and toxicity in the materials. Keeping holistic in nature, Dr. Patel often performs your dental fillings without shots. That’s right!
Do you fear needles or dental drills? Our Waterlase system allows us to prepare your filling without leaving you feeling numb and allows you to immediately return to normal daily activity. Even if the most sensitive teeth require minimal anesthesia, the Waterlase is selective so we can gently target decay and concerns while preserving your tooth.
While holistic in nature, our goal is for every patient to leave without experiencing any pain. We choose laser dentistry to avoid needles, remain conservative and selective, and offer the very best post-operative healing and experience.